Neighborhood Yard Sale

When: Saturday, October 15th, 2022
(Rain date: October 16th, 2022)

The neighborhood Yard Sale took place on Saturday, October 15th and was a big success!

Many thanks to Patti McCallum for all her hard work in organizing the sale!

Plans are underway to follow up the Fall 2022 Neighborhood Yard Sale with a Spring 2023 Yard Sale. Start collecting your items to sell. If you have feedback to share from this Fall’s event, or questions/comments for next Spring’s sale, please contact Patti ( Please include “Yard Sale” in the email subject line and include your name and address.

Community Yard Sale

The 3rd Annual Silver Lake Spring Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, April 25th from 7am until 12pm!

We will be advertising the event a few days prior to drum up some local interest, and we encourage all residents on both sides of the lake to set up their sale items in their own driveway area during this timeframe in order to participate — just in time to declutter for the upcoming Spring weather!!

Community Yard Sale

The 2nd Annual Silver Lake Spring Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, April 26th from 7am until 12pm!

We will be advertising the event a few days prior to drum up some local interest, and we encourage all residents to set up their sale items in their own driveway area during this timeframe in order to participate — just in time to declutter for the upcoming Spring weather!!