Architectural Requests

Any exterior change or additions requires prior approval from the Silver Lake Bluffs HOA.

Property owners can submit a request either by completing the Architectural Request Form and submitting via email or postal mail or by logging into the Omega Association Management website and click on ACC Requests. All requests should be made to Omega Association Management, Silver Lake Bluffs’ property management company.

Complete the Architectural Request Form and attach all required exhibits. Include full details of the proposed change. If the change is structural such as a deck, fence, or change requiring grading, submit a sketch or plan and outline specifications. Be sure to include information such as type of materials, size, height, color, location, timing, etc. Using a copy of a lot survey, provide a sketch of the location of the change and/or addition as it relates to your house and lot.

Do not apply for a building permit, purchase material, or commit to any contractor in anticipation of instant approval by the Board of Directors. Applicants should wait until they have received written approval prior to committing to such work.

The Silver Lake Bluffs Association Board of Directors will review the request and make a determination based on Covenants and Architectural Guidelines. The application will be reviewed within thirty (30) days and a response will be provided in writing. The 30-day review period does not start until the Board of Directors receives a complete application. If your review request requires additional information or documentation, a new 30-day deadline will begin upon receipt of the additional information.

Note: Any improvements performed by homeowners, without written approval from the Board of Directors, will be subject to immediate removal. If necessary the removal may be performed by the HOA at the homeowner’s expense.